The Hill Remediation Committee is charged with leading the remediation process of the hill on Grayhawk Circle.
Grayhawk Hill Update Meeting
Date & Time: Monday, February 6th, 2023 7:00 PM CT
Location: Online Only
The second presentation by members of our Hill Committee along with representatives from CobbFendley, our Engineering Services Partner, will be held online via a Zoom Conference on Monday February 6th from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
The first portion of the presentation will be to:
- update the Community on how we have arrived at today’s status
- present an analysis of the geotechnical testing that was conducted on the hill
- present potential options for moving forward to remediation.
Upon completion of the presentation, the remainder of the meeting will be for discussion and to address questions.
You can preview the presentation by downloading it.
ZOOM Connection Information:
Topic: Grayhawk Hill Update Meeting
Time: Feb 6, 2023 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 2987 3594
Passcode: 442712
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,82329873594#,,,,*442712# US (Houston)
Initial Hill Meeting
On 1/18/2023, members of of our Hill Committee and CobbFendly, our Engineering Services Partner presented technical results of the geotechnical testing that has been conducted on the hill failure.
The first portion of the meeting focused on the Community on the failures of the hill, where we stand today, and present potential options for moving forward to remediation.
The second portion of the meeting was opened for discussion and a Q&A session.
Couldn't make it? Download the presentation here at your convenience and stay tuned for updates on the second meeting.